About us
1st Fetcham Scout Group is a thriving Scout Group offering fantastic Scouting to boys and girls from 6 to 18 years.
We have a large enthusiastic leadership team which enables us to run 3 Beaver Colonies, 3 Cub Packs, 2 Scout Troops and 1 Explorer Unit. We also run a Fetcham Scout Rifle Club.
Scouting in Fetcham provides Fun, Challenge and Adventure to over 200 members.
About our work
Even if we can’t solve all the problems in the world, we can help to make it a better place. Scouting makes a positive contribution to society by helping young people to develop as active members of the community:
- Who are self reliant
- Who are caring
- Who are responsible
- Who show commitment
They do this by:
- Taking part in a variety of activities and new experiences
- Exploring the outdoors
- Participating in teams
- Taking responsibility
The Programme
Our method for giving young people the opportunity to learn by doing is called the Programme. The Programme is a continuous progression of training, activities and awards that covers everything that young people do in Scouting from the age of 6 to 25.
The Scouting programme for all five sections is based around three main themes: outdoor and adventure, world and skills. In each section a range of badges and awards are there to support all aspects of Scouting, including the three main themes as well as, leadership, teamwork and personal development. The programme is designed to be progressive through the sections to offer young people an appropriate level of challenge
Our commitment
In Scouting, our adults have a responsibility to make sure that the Programme is fun and exciting. We must also make sure that it is safe. The Scout Association’s policies, rules, code of behaviour, advice on Child Protection and safety policy are there to ensure our young people stay safe while they enjoy themselves and learn.
Who can be a Scout?
Scouting is open to all young people aged 6 to 25 of every faith and background. There are also plenty of opportunities for adults to become involved as Leaders, Assistants or Administrators.
Group Scout Leader: Jenny Harlow
Welcome Pack Information:
Leatherhead District Newsletter September 2023